Community gardens are a simple and beautiful concept: help neighbors share their love of gardening while they grow their own fresh produce. Oahu is blessed with ten community gardens scattered across some of the island’s most vibrant and eclectic neighborhoods.
On these fertile rented plots of earth, neighbors come together to swap gardening tips, compost the soil and harvest produce which might otherwise cost too much at the market.
“A community spirit brought to the garden will ensure gardening success to all members.”
community garden program was started by the City and County of Honolulu in 1975 to provide garden plot access to people living in Honolulu’s densely populated communities.
Given the city’s year-round growing climate, rich soil and abundance of gardening lovers — we’re confident that any committed gardener can get good results.
How to start your garden
If you’re interested, getting your own community garden plot is really easy:
attend a meeting at your desired community garden (see the list below)
fill out an application
pay a yearly due and small yearly user (about $20 total)
start gardening!
From what we’ve heard, four months is about the going wait time to get a plot, but it’s best to check with the community garden coordinator first (while you wait, subscribe to our blog to sharpen your gardening savvy).
There are house rules, of course
As with most organized activities, you’ll need to follow some common sense rules:
make sure your plot isn’t overgrown and creeping into your neighbor’s
no use of herbicide
no excessive watering
no working in someone else’s plot
no growing — ahem — illegal stuff
If you’re truly inquisitive, check out the complete community garden rules.
Oahu’s Community Gardens – The List
Click on each location name for its web page (if available).LocationMonthly MeetingNumber of PlotsPlot SizeYearly dues / user feeAla WaiAla Wai Elementary School Cafeteria on 1st Monday 7:00pm15412×15$15 / $18Diamond HeadIn the garden, odd months: 2nd Saturday 9:00am, even months: 2nd Wednesday 5:30pm1105×17$10 / $8.50DoleIn the garden on 2nd Saturday 8:30am3210×10$10 / $10FosterIn the garden on 3rd Saturday 10:00am605×20$5 / $10Hawaii KaiKamiloiki Recreation Center on 3rd Monday 6:00pm3910×10$10 / $10KaneoheIn the garden on 3rd Saturday 8:30am697×14$10 / $9.80MakikiIn the Craft Building, 2nd floor, on 2nd Tuesday 7:00pm. New applicants: 6:30pm16010×10$5 / $10ManoaManoa District Park, Rec. Building, Meeting Room. Odd months: 2nd Thursday 7:00pm, even months: 2nd Saturday 10:00am6810×20$10 / $20, $20 depositMo’ili’ili In the garden, 2nd Monday 5:30pm6810×10$20 / $10Wahiawa In the garden, last Saturday 8:30 am46520×40$10 / $80, $25 deposit
Other helpful links: City & County of Honolulu Community Recreational Gardening
Photo credits: Unreal Hawaii, Foster Community Garden, Diamond Head Community Gardens