Planet Earth — who doesn’t care about it? After all, it’s the only home we have, the source of everything we depend on to live and — let’s face it — Earth deserves our care and attention!
We here at Geobunga know you care about Earth, but we also see a problem: with such busy and hectic lives, how can we show we care and get other people to do the same?
Enter Conservation International, a savvy environmental organization whose mission is “to empower societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature, our global biodiversity, for the well-being of humanity.” Not a bad mission!

On Monday, October 6, CI is launching a social media campaign called #natureisspeaking that — for the first time — lets “nature speak for itself.”
Details are a little vague, but we do know that short films and soundscapes* starring none other than mother nature will be part of the fun (thanks to Geobunga social media manager Lacy Matsumoto for the tip on this), as well as the standard social media tools to help us declare our support and encourage others to do the same.
Just think about it — if we give nature a voice, what would it say? And if we do it consciously and collectively, what would we hear?

The campaign was designed by Lee Clow of TBWA\Media Arts Lab, the same person who created Apple’s iconic “1984” and “Think Different” campaigns — so you can be sure it will cutting edge and exciting.
According to CI Executive VP and Senior Scientist Dr. M. Sanjayan, the goal of #natureisspeaking is to change not just attitudes of a particular product but “the conversation around an entire segment of life.”
“Our purpose here [is] jolting folks with the message that saving nature is really about saving ourselves,” he says.

*Sneak Peek: #natureisspeaking Soundscapes
Below are a few of the soundclips to be featured — I’m sure they’ll tell us what to do with them starting October 6. You can hear them all on Soundcloud.
All photo coutesy of Conservation International Facebook page